Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Exercise 13

Generators are very cool. I don't have time to explore them properly now, but will come back to them later. The capacity for personalising stuff is amazing! I found the scroll image on

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Exercise 12

I can see the possibilities for libraries using wikis to create and update websites for staff and patrons. Looks like where we are heading.

Ancient Tree Of Life

Ancient Tree Of Life
Originally uploaded by MarkReqs
There is something awesome about old trees. I love the fact that they have 'seen' hundreds of years of life going by.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

exercise 11: Wikis

Wikis have endless possibilities! It's the networking aspect I find so exciting. Librarysuccess is great for this, sharing ideas, a fantastic resource for librarians. Looking on LibraryWiki, I noted that most of the wikis are American sites, come on the rest of the world. Glenfield library have a wiki on It's a private one so it's safe from random editing. Go Glenfield!

exercise 10: Library 2.0

I found this exciting and interesting, reading the visions of librarians for our future in the information age. I think North Shore's stated aim of being at the cutting edge of new technology is timely and can see the value of things like this Web 2.0 training as part of the big picture.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Technorati is certainly comprehensive and well used! When I searched for "learning 2.0" on Blog posts I got 499 hits. Using Blog Directory, I Clicked through Technology then Web 2.0 and got 13 pages of hits arranged with the highest authority first which I thought was useful. I then went into a blog and noticed there were four versions of "web 2.0" used as tags, (i.e. web2.0, web 2.0, web20, web 20). Clicking on the link through "web 2.0" brought up 14,678 hits! Interesting stuff out there but abit overwelming.